Thursday, July 7, 2011


   Barack Obama's role models are Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., and Nelson Mandela.  I'm beginning to wish there was at least one crusty general in the mix.  I voted for him because I thought he was calm and a uniter, proving my theory that the quality that initially attracts us to a person is the same one that eventually sends us screaming out of the house.
   I'm not at the screaming/running point yet.  But many liberals are.  Not that they wouldn't want someone like Obama leading them. At least in a civilized universe. The problem is that he considers himself the leader of all Americans, even the unciviilized, the irrational, the greedy, the power mongers, the schemers, the RWNJs.  He's acting like he thinks he is supposed to be giving them some of what they want, whether out of duty or necessity.
   Whatever the reason, it's not working.  Well, it's working fine for the top 1% or so.  And not by accident.  For an excellent insight into Republican tactics, read this article in CONSORTIUM.  It details how the Republicans are using the same tactics employed by the CIA to destabilize countries so they can put their own guy in power. You'll see why the approach of Obama (the quintessential Democrat) is doomed to fail. The Republican leaders are not going to come around.  They will use his reasonableness against him.  The electorate may begin to catch on (they  have in Wisconsin et al) but their efficacy is being diminished by voter suppression tactics, outright election shenanigans, RW-stacked court appointees etc. 
   We're reaching critical mass or whatever you want to call it.  We need to do something appropriate to the situation.  Let's talk ...